1. Send the registration fees as below:
Send the amount to our assaigned Bkash/Nagad Number. You must keep the bKash payment Transaction ID (TrxID) for registration.
2. After sending the money contact with the number to whome you paid via Bkash/Nagad, now login to our registration link Event Ragistration and register yourself.
3. Click on the registration button on Perticipant/Spouse/Children, please regiter separately.
4. Prepare a passport picture of you and your Spouse (if any) 400px x 400px, maximum size 500kb. & must be .jpg format.
5. Enter the bKash/nagad transaction number (TrxID) carefully
6. Fill-up all the information carefully as required
7. Select the Driver option Yes/No (If any)
8. Click on the Register button
9. A successful registration messages will be sent to your mobile, where you will find your Registration ID and Access Code for download the ID card.